five-minute-friday · reminders

Rest…5-minute Friday

What is rest?

  • To me, it is laying my head down at night and sleeping. 
  • To me, it is reading God’s Word and basking in His tender mercies. 
  • To me, it being able to step back from the cares of the day and reflect in what has taken place and realize that God was there with me all day. 

Rest is a vital part of my life, in the physical, spiritual and emotional sense.

  • Without my physical rest, many times I am unable to function efficiently in my daily duties.
  • In spiritual sense, without proper rest I struggle to live a victorious Christian life. 
  • Emotionally, lack of rest makes it impossible to function rationally.

To live victoriously, sufficient rest is vital and I desire to find the “happy medium.”

Five Minute Friday1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back to Lisa-Jo and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..

8 thoughts on “Rest…5-minute Friday

  1. Hello fellow five minute writer! I so agree! I want to live a fulfilling life, which often times means being involved in things, but I want the balance and happy medium, too. I feel like real, deep, authentic rest doesn't really come unless in God's presence. Keep resting, my love! And keep living so victoriously for Christ!


  2. “To me, it being able to step back from the cares of the day and reflect in what has taken place and realize that God was there with me all day.”
    Andrea, so relatable! I'm such a Martha, even when it's simple tasks like rushing around in the morning to tidy my room before the day begins (as in, not stopping to rest at Jesus' feet first of all!). Then I wonder, where *was* Jesus all day long? Thanks for sharing, dear girl!


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