challenges · changes · everyday-faith

“Why”- a Heart’s Cry


~ to a dear friend~

I watched you as you filed in,
The look that was upon your face,
Next to dear friends and beloved kin,
Your daughter and you took your place.

That look – that one of great sadness,
With each thought, it wondered why,
That in the home once filled with gladness,
Where now we heard a family cry.

Why, oh why must daddy go,
Mommy, I do not understand,
Why, oh why must it be so?

Why, oh why did he leave today,
He, who is my love and joy,
Why, oh why could he not stay?
~Andrea Groff

As I sat sat at the funeral of a dear friend who lost a friend and husband. As I saw a little girl, who could not understand why Daddy needed to leave, my heart broke and tears fell. As questions wandered through my mind, a verse came to mind. “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Cor 12:9. His grace will carry us through the morrow, even when we don’t understand.

And I will praise Him, “even when it hurts.”

Please join me in praying for my friend and her daughter as they take one day at a time.

God bless!


4 thoughts on ““Why”- a Heart’s Cry

  1. Thank you Andrea for sharing the poem. It’s beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes as I read it and grieve along with her.
    Anyone interested in sharing a money gift with my dear cousin/ friend and her daughter can send it to:
    “Caitlyn Harris Fund”
    . BB&T Bank
    749 East Main Street
    Mount Joy, PA 17552

    A King’s Daughters


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