great-things-2012 · thanksgiving

Great memories and moments!

Wow! Today is the kick-off of GreaThings 2012! I am looking forward to being blessed and blessing others as well.

To start of my collection of great moments and memories:

  1. January brought forth a new experience for me; that known as college life. With much apprehension, I stepped into my first day, but time has just flown by. No, college life has not been all roses; it has had its thorns, but it has become one of my most enjoyed moments of my daily routine. Each day is filled with many new concepts and new information. My favorite classes have become my Biology classes. Not one day in classes passes by without reminding me to “parise thee; for i am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well” Psalm 139.14
  2. Flying out west to spend time with a dear friend, taking time to tour her home area, just have time as friends. Spent 4 days with her, took the opportunity to quilt a king-size quilt for her future home. Then spending time with her and her boyfriend when they came into the area for a weekend retreat…so many memories.
  3. New friends…college friends, youth, local coffee shop owners, study buddies. Friends near, friends far, friends dear…the list goes on and on. I am blessed to have so many friends that surround me and left me up when the going gets tough, who laugh with me and cry with me. 
Just sitting down to write this has made me stop and realize how blessed I am.

6 thoughts on “Great memories and moments!

  1. I'm so glad that you got a chance to go out and visit your friend. Times like that are priceless. 🙂 I'm glad you're joining in! I love meeting new people as we share our blessings. ❤


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